Health-Related Social Needs | EOCCO
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Health Related Social Needs (HRSN)

Starting on March 1, 2024, if you're a member of EOCCO and you qualify, you can get help with devices to deal with problems caused by the changing climate that might affect your health and well-being.

Here are the things we can help you with:

  • Air conditioners (to keep cool)
  • Air filtration devices (to clean the air)
  • Mini refrigeration units (to safely store medicines that need refrigeration)
  • Portable power supply (to keep medical devices working if you lose power)
  • Portable/space heater (to keep warm)

To be able to get these things, you need to meet at least one of these conditions:

  • You're going to be able to get Medicare and OHP in the next three months.
  • You just signed up for Medicare and OHP in the last nine months.
  • You might be without a home soon, spend most of your income on rent, live in an RV, or don't have a regular place to sleep.
  • You got care at the Oregon State Hospital or a big substance use treatment program in the past year.
  • You got out of jail, a detention center or prison in the last year.
  • You were in the child welfare system or got child welfare services in Oregon at some point in your life, like being in foster care or having help from the court.

If you need any of these things, here's how to ask:

  1. Figure out what you need and if you are eligible.
  2. Get in touch with us. Fill out the request form at the link below to submit a HRSN Climate Device Request. (Make sure you have your Medicaid ID and the address of where you want things delivered.)
  3. Wait for us to review your application and make a decision. You'll get an email and a letter telling you if you are able to get these devices or not.
  4. If you are approved, we'll send what you need to the address you gave us.

HRSN Climate Device Request

Additional Resources

If you want to know more about getting help with your health needs or the things we can help with because of the climate, you can check these websites:


Customer Service: 888-788-9821 (TTY users: 711)
Pharmacy Customer Service 888-474-8539
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PST

EOCCO members should have their member ID number ready for quicker help.

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