EOCCO news
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Oregon está recibiendo semanalmente vacunas contra COVID-19. Tomará tiempo el poder ayudar a todos a recibir la vacuna. Le compartimos con gusto la siguiente esta información que le ayudará a conocer cuándo y dónde puede obtener la vacuna.

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News icon Information about Oregon's rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccine

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Effective immediately, for dates of service of January 1<sup>st</sup>, 2021 and on, ambulance services need to be billed on a professional (CMS-1500) claim form in order to be in compliant with the Oregon Administrative Rules. EOCCO systems have been configured to deny these services on a hospital (UB) claim form. We will request that you rebill on a CMS-1500 claim form in order for the claim to be paid and properly encountered with the State.

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The winter months and holidays can be hard for many people. This year might be even harder because of COVID-19. We are here to support you and your loved ones.

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EOCCO shares community health information

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Nos preocupamos por usted y su familia y queremos asegurarnos de que se mantenga seguro y saludable. Estas son algunas recomendaciones que no debe olvidar

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